Global Integrated Shipping Information System

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    (1) GISIS has been developed by the IMO Secretariat in compliance with the decisions by IMO Members requesting public access to sets of data collected by the Secretariat and stored in off-line databases. Its aim is to allow on-line access to information supplied to the IMO Secretariat by Maritime Administrations, in compliance with IMO's instruments. The databases are maintained updated by the National Maritime Administrations, directly or by submission to the Secretariat.

    (2) The use of particular designations of countries or territories in GISIS provided by Contracting Governments does not imply the expression of any opinion, decision or judgement by IMO concerning the legal status of such countries or territories, or of their authorities and institutions or of the delimitation of their boundaries, or disputes over sovereignty.

    (3) Whilst in principle GISIS should contain accurate information, the possibility of inadvertent omissions or inaccuracies cannot be ruled out. Neither the International Maritime Organization nor its Secretariat or employees accept liability or responsibility whatsoever for the inaccuracy, incompleteness, omissions, lack of timeliness, or any error of the data displayed on GISIS, or in connection with the management, operation or use of GISIS.

    (4) Neither the International Maritime Organization nor its Secretariat or employees accept any responsibility and shall not be liable for any direct, or indirect, or consequential loss to any person or company caused by or arising from any information displayed on GISIS, nor for harm resulting from the use of information contained in this database, or for any reliance on its accuracy, completeness or timeliness.

    (5) Decisions based on information contained in this site are the sole responsibility of the user.

    (6) If a user challenges the correctness of the displayed information, a report should be made either by e-mail to or by fax +44 20 7 587 32 10 attaching any relevant documents. The communication will be transmitted by the IMO Secretariat to the data provider for appropriate action without delay.

    (7) Neither the International Maritime Organization, nor its Secretariat or employees accept any liability for damages caused by computer viruses.

    (8) Nothing in or in relation to GISIS shall be deemed a waiver, expressed or implied, of any of the privileges and immunities of the International Maritime Organization, its Secretariat or employees.